* the femme fashioner.

― If one needs wings, one must simply make them!

Ufe'zi Foryo is a Viera of the Veena clan, born and raised in Gridania, full of healing Mist and fashion tricks. Whether it be over a cup of tea or a few drinks of gin, Ufe'zi will be the kindest soul you'll meet that day.
( Classy, creative, caring, and always in style. )

* Creds+extras.

Other Charas

Carrd Template

Ufe'zi is my main character I RP as! The only other character I have at the moment is Ren. Read his carrd here

Template made by @poohsources

Chara Credits


Ufe'zi Foryo and all related characters are rightfully owned by Square Enix and their players. Respect this.

I also create upscales and minion mods, or whatever else I feel like! Follow me here!

* character info.




  • full name.  Ufe'zi Foryo

  • also known as.  Ufe

  • date of birth.  06/07

  • age.  21

  • height: 5"1'/156.7 cm

  • eyes: Purple/Blue

  • natural hair: White

  • gender.  Cis Male

  • pronouns.  He/Him

  • sexual orientation.  Gay

  • occupation.  Custom Tailor

  • birthplace.  Gridania

  • current home.  Gridania

  • language(s).  Common/Eorzean

  • significant other.  Bast Windrunner Read more here!

  • parents.  Steele & Star Foryo

  • siblings.  Ra'ne Foryo

  • pets.  Simon Windrunner

  • strengths. Healing, Crafting, Being kind, Reading people, Patience

  • weaknesses. Fighting, Being confrontational, Bad at sarcasm, Directionally challenged, Overbearing

  • likes. Tea, Weaving, Faerie Apples, Purple, Public Displays of Affection

  • dislikes.  Spicy food, Assholes/Homophobes, Coffee, Creepy Things

* about.

Ufe'zi is a kind and soft soul, reflective of what he learned in the training he took in the Conjourer's Guild; being kind to nature and to other people. He is a weaver by trade, specializing in crafting outfits for men like himself, who enjoy wearing skirts and dresses. It was a market he saw a lack of when he started getting into wearing said outfits, so he decided to make the market himself.When not out and about, making friends or whatnot, he's at home, drinking what tea was available on the market today and humming or reading the papers. He's also recently taken up the Harpsichord, although very clumsy with hitting the notes.In his moments of concentration, he's crafting new outfits for commissions or for himself, and has lately wondered about putting his healing Mist into his creations. It's proven tough, much to his dismay. He's confident he will figure it out, though... One day.Read his whole backstory here.

* backstory.

Ufe'zi's story starts years ago, when his mother and father were a part of the Tehp tribe, residing in the forests in East Shroud. His mother and father would only see each other every few years to mate, but his father wanted to change that. He brought his mother into a tent and privately asked her if she would run away into the city with him and start a life for themselves, doing honest city work instead of maintaining their tribe's balance in the forest. They started talking about it when an elder happened to overhear, and banned them both from the tribe, despite the woman's protests and objections. With no choice but to accept, they moved to the city state of Gridania together, and adapted the names Steele and Star Foryo.Many years later, Ufe'zi was born into the family, a couple of years after his older brother Ra'ne. Ufe'zi tried his best to wield a lance and even a bow to prove he could battle as well as his older brother, but he could never pick up the skills as fast or as proficiently. Defeated, his mother took him to the Conjurer's guild, and it was there he found his calling as a healer, using the Mist inside of him to close wounds, heal broken bones, and help repair the trees throughout Gridania and the Shroud.Anxious to get on the road and put his healing skills to good use, he traveled to Ul'dah to meet Momodi and everyone in the Adventurer's Guild, and it was there he saw a Weaver, keeping to herself and making what seemed to be a top of some sort, with colorful yellow fabric. He asked Momodi about what the Weaver was doing, and pointed him in the direction of the Weaver's Guild. Under the direction of Redolent Rose, he picked up his first needle and spool of thread, and clumsily made a long tunic, which turned into many failures and successes of making skirts, dresses, gloves, and pants of materials found across Eorzea and beyond.He's wrestled a lot with his identity since then, and even before, finding himself more attracted to dresses and skirts than button downs and pants. After taking some time to process his feelings and thoughts, he's realized he just wants to wear them and feel pretty, and nothing more. He's still a guy, but a glamourous one, and he feels pretty damn good about it.

* bast.

One day, some time ago, a group of friends brought a timid and handsome Miqo'te man to the Quicksands, one who wanted to just people watch and see what went down in the chaotic location. As they made their way inward to the center of the activity, they spotted a particular femboy on the railing, the Catboy felt the need to point him out to his friends, who were insistent that he talk to the Viera. After giving in to his friends' pressure, they spent hours talking and getting to know each other, they knew each other as Ufe and Bast, and quickly they began to have feelings for each other. They went on their first date to a quaint and cozy café, and stayed long past their closing time talking about life before Bast worked up the confidence to ask Ufe to be his boyfriend. Since then, Ufe has helped his boyfriend with a lot of fashion advice, and even helped him come out of his shell a little bit. Bast reminds Ufe to have more fun and focus less on all of the work he has. Together, they make a good pair, and they both hope that there's nothing that will stop them from continuing this pattern

* Hooks.

  • Weaving and Tailoring.  Ufe'zi's main occupation is custom tailoring for fellow feminine people. You've seen an ad for his services, have been a client of his, or have heard of him through a friend.

  • Tea.  If you see him out and about, he's probably drinking tea if he has a cup. Ask him about his tea and he will likely talk your ear off about it!

  • Ex-Venue Owner.  He used to own a venue named Bunny Burrow Host Club. You've been there before, and wish to connect with him over it. Maybe how the venue is doing now, or what it's like to be a venue owner.

  • Sparring. He's been learning how to fight recently, and you've seen him learning how to fight or heal with new weapons. Would he want to fight again? Do you have a wound that needs healing?

* bonds.

Bast W.


Ufe's boyfriend of 1.5 years. They're inseparable and are very sweet and loving to each other. Although Ufe is an independent man, he will let Bast buy things for him because it makes Bast happy.

Khaji'un I.

A good friend of Ufe's that he made through venue affiliation. Although they are very different people, they find common grounds in the moments where they don't need to say much.

Lothaire N.

Ufe's ex-assistant manager at BBHC, who is now the owner. They formed a friendship through mutual caring of each other and learning how to work together to tackle problems that arose at the venue.

Seyhanine A.

An occasional client and friend of Ufe's. They go out to venues together, and hang out with the same crowd. They act as motherly figures to each other and the group as a whole when they need one.

Rukamir L.